KeithProfile Photo


Honorary Co-host

With his striking ginger coat, Keith is no ordinary Maine Coon; he's the quiet yet pivotal third character in The Compendium's storytelling. Just as Kyle provides the depth and Adam brings the relatability, Keith offers a sense of enigmatic charm that fits right in with the show's atmosphere.

His soothing purrs can often be heard in the background, adding a calming texture to the podcast's riveting discussions. It's almost as if his very presence serves as an unspoken reminder that sometimes, the most fascinating elements of a story are those that remain unspoken. Whether adding a serene backdrop to heated conversations or simply keeping Kyle and Adam company during late-night editing sessions, Keith embodies the silent eloquence that The Compendium aspires to convey.

His gentle nature serves as the ideal accompaniment to the inquisitive spirit of the show, offering a dash of whimsy to the already engaging narrative.