Feb. 5, 2024

The Disturbing Tale of Dr. Donald Cline: A Netflix Documentary Unravels a Fertility Doctor's Dark Secret

The Disturbing Tale of Dr. Donald Cline: A Netflix Documentary Unravels a Fertility Doctor's Dark Secret

In the heart of Indiana during the 1970s and ‘80s, a story unfolded that would later shock and disturb the world. Dr. Donald Cline, a fertility specialist, committed a breach of trust so profound that it challenges our understanding of medical ethics and personal autonomy. This unsettling narrative forms the core of Netflix’s documentary "Our Father," released in May 2022, which delves deep into Cline’s actions and their far-reaching implications.

The Discovery and its Ripple Effects:

The documentary begins with the story of Jacoba Ballard, who, upon taking a DNA test, stumbles upon a startling truth – she has seven half-siblings, all fathered by her mother’s trusted fertility doctor, Dr. Cline. The revelation sets off a chain reaction, leading to the discovery of at least 94 biological children of Cline. The film, through poignant interviews with some of these siblings and their parents, traces their journey in uncovering the shocking truth of their origin. Ballard's initial discovery, a moment of personal upheaval, grows into a larger story of deception and violation. 

Our Father: More Than a Documentary:

"Our Father" is more than a simple recounting of facts. It’s a powerful commentary on the right to informed reproductive care and the complexities of the U.S. legal system when it comes to reproductive autonomy. In a time where these rights are often debated, the film holds a mirror to society’s handling of such sensitive issues. The documentary highlights the siblings’ frustration as they grapple with the legal system, seeking justice against Cline’s unethical practices.

Cline's Motivation: Ideology and Religion:

The film posits that Cline’s actions might have been driven by his association with the Quiverfull movement, an extremist Christian sect advocating prolific reproduction. There's an unsettling suggestion that his actions could have had white supremacist undertones, considering the physical attributes of many of his offspring. The documentary underscores how Cline’s religious convictions permeated his medical practice, raising questions about the intersection of personal belief and professional responsibility.

The Struggle for Justice:

Despite the obvious ethical violations, the legal battle faced by the victims and their families was fraught with challenges. Cline, by then retired, seemed untouchable, living as a respected community figure. As the siblings fought for legal recognition of their plight, they encountered threats and intimidation. The documentary poignantly conveys the emotional toll of this journey, highlighting instances like Ballard finding her car sabotaged and Harmon's research mysteriously erased. 

When legal action was finally taken against Cline, the results were underwhelming. The charges of rape, as argued by some of his victims, did not hold in court. Instead, Cline faced obstruction of justice for lying during the investigation. His punishment, two suspended sentences and a modest fine, stood in stark contrast to the gravity of his actions. 

A Call for Change:

"Our Father" does more than just tell a story; it advocates for change. Following the siblings’ efforts, Indiana passed a fertility-fraud law in 2018, a testament to their determination. However, the absence of a federal law on the subject leaves a gap in protecting individuals from such violations. "Our Father" is a compelling and distressing documentation of a violation so unique that it was initially beyond the scope of existing laws. It’s a story about the abuse of power, the sanctity of personal choice in reproduction, and the struggle for legal recognition of new forms of violation. As much as it is about the past, it is also a prescient reminder of the ongoing debates surrounding reproductive rights and legal protection. 

Netflix’s "Our Father" is a must-watch, not just for its storytelling but for the crucial conversations it ignites about ethics, law, and the fundamental rights to our bodies and choices.


If this article has left you wanting more, why not check out our episode of The Compendium Podcast on this very topic

Dr. Donald Cline: Conceived in Deceit, the Infamous Fertility Scandal

Dr. Donald Cline: Conceived in Deceit, the Infamous Fertility Scandal

Gypsy Rose Blanchard: The Chilling Reality Behind the Illusion


In this episode of the Compendium, Adam tells Kyle all about the fascinating yet slightly scandalous world of Dr. Donald Cline. Trust us, this isn’t your everyday story of a fertility doctor; it’s a riveting tale of hidden family secrets, artificial insemination ethics, and a sperm donor scandal that left everyone speechless. 
And it all started when Jacoba a ordinary young woman, keen to understand more about her geneology stumbles upon a secret that had been hidden her DNA her entire life. A secret that only snowballed as she dared to venture deeper into.
Today we wade through the murky waters of fertility fraud with a touch of humor, because sometimes life’s complexities need a bit of light-heartedness.